
Covid-19 Guidelines Follow.

 To prevent the spread of COVID-19: Maintain a safe distance from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick. Wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible. Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. Get vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance so your healthcare provider can direct you to the right health facility. This protects you, and prevents the spread of viruses and other infections. Masks Properly fitted masks can help prevent the spread of the virus from the person wearing the mask to others. Masks alone do not protect against COVID-19, and should be combined with physical distancing and...

10 best ways to reduce air pollution.

1. Using public transports Using public transport is a sure short way of contributing to less air pollution as it provides with less gas and energy, even carpools contribute to it. In addition to less release of fuels and gas, using a public transport can also help in saving money. 2. Turn off the lights when not in use The energy that the lights take also contribute to air pollution, thus less consumption of electricity can save energy. Use energy saving fluorescent lights to help the environment. 3. Recycle and Reuse The concept of recycle and reuse is not just conserve resources and use them judicially but also is helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing pollution emissions. The recycled products also take less power to make other products. 4. No to plastic bags The use of plastic products could be very harmful to the environment as they take a very long time to decompose, due to their material made up of oil. The use of paper bags instead is a better alternative as they de...


 To be human is to have the freedom to be yourself. The quality of being humane is firmly attached to being a human. Act of war, violence or harm robs us of our humanity and thus makes one question the human inside them. To be human comes along with recognizing, accepting and walking along with one’s strength and weakness. One should fulfil all their responsibilities as human. It is important to be true to one’s dreams. Humans are known for their dreams and passions and strive for it. To be human means to learn from mistakes and grow every day. Being human is learning to make choices and prioritize tasks. Loving ourselves and self-awareness is the key attributes in human possession. Living life to fullest without regrets and knowing where our morals limit us should is the human psyche.